Rijksakademie Open Studios 2024


" Every night,
When i lay down, my weary self is estinguished.
There is nothing, 
unitl I wake inside my sleepy body, 
in a space disconnected from the external world. "

Video animation projected on wall, and floor installation.
Cianotype and spray paint on paper, TFT mini monitor programmed for generative poetry. 

Between Brackets


Art Island 2023. andriesse ~ eyck galerie
Video work and mixed media drawings.
Ink and epoxy on paper. 200 x 150 cm.


Looking for a feeling of freedom

Extract from the video work " Looking for a feeling of freedom".
Amsterdam, 2022

looking for a felling of freedom
Screenshot 2022-11-12 at 15.12.37

“ Ruins are the way to transformation, ruins are wounds of time,
a sweet heartbreak I don’t want to let go off.

They are here to tell me about ageing, abandonment and deterioration,
that things are left behind, and they will never be the same.
The context around grows during centuries
but the way has been adapted, modified into something else.
Again and again.
Ruins console me.”

Open studio day 2022
Video-sound piece with 10 meter roll paper drawing.

The Cosmocomic World of Nonsense

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Andriesse Eyck_PT_Jan 2022-0612_LowRes

Andriesse -Eyck Galerie, Amsterdam. 2022. Solo exhibition
Foto credit : PTijhuis


Screenshot 2021-12-08 at 13.33.28

Video installation.
Gerrit Rietveld Akademie . Graduation show 2021. 

Portrait of a pile of paper

Portrait of a pile of paper

Silvia Gatti -Graduation Show© LottaLagerberg019
10_portrait of a pile of paper

Sculpture of printed paper.
Gerrit Rietveld Akademie . Graduation show 2021. Amsterdam


CosmoComic Map

Toc, Toc 
Are you there?
I'm here
with you.


Art Rotterdam 2022. Andriesse-Eyck Galerie.
Indian ink on paper. 150 x 200 cm

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Andriesse Eyck_PT_Jan 2022-0658_LowRes
Andriesse Eyck_PT_Jan 2022-0650_LowRes

Indian ink on paper. 150 x 240 cm
Foto credit : PTijhuis

I ran my first kilometer

Chine ink and acrylic  on paper.
Gerrit Rietveld Academie 2019-2020

Andriesse Eyck_PT_Jan 2022-0630_LowRes
Andriesse Eyck_PT_Jan 2022-0637_LowRes

Indian ink and Charcoal on paper. 250 x 350 cm.
Andriesse-Eyck Galerie. Solo exhibition.
Foto credit : PTijhuis

Not fully human

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Andriesse Eyck_PT_Jan 2022-0665_LowRes
Andriesse Eyck_PT_Jan 2022-0673_LowRes

Indian ink, Charcoal and Acrylic on paper. 150 x 300 cm.
Andriesse-Eyck Galerie. Solo exhibition.
Foto credit : PTijhuis

A sign In Space

Video instalation + drawings + 3D printed objects = media poetry instalation.
Chinese ink on 1.50 m x 10 meter paper roll. 
Si.Si.Spex // Gerrit Rietveld Acadmeie 2020.

Video instalation + drawings + 3D printed objects = media poetry instalation.
Indian ink on 1.50 m x 10 meter paper roll. 
Si.Si.Spex // Gerrit Rietveld Acadmeie 2020.

corner 2

A Galactic Game

Drawing installation + 3D printed objects.
Chinese ink on 1.50 m x 10 meter paper roll. 
Gerrit Rietveld Acadmeie 2020-2021.

Drawing installation + 3D printed objects.
Indian ink on 1.50 m x 10 meter paper roll. 
Gerrit Rietveld Acadmeie 2020-2021.

Screenshot 2021-12-10 at 20.41.28


Video projection 
Work in progress .  2019-2022

Chinese ink and acrylic on paper / spectrum of colour on wall / text on computer screen.
Work in progress project. 2021




Screenshot 2022-09-14 at 21.04.53

“Libretti” is the result of a three years experimentation on abstract and non linear writing.
The contents of the books constantly fluctuate between human suffering and desire, as a response to one’s fundamental differentiation between ‘the self’ and 'the other’. As infants we exist in an expansive realm of sensational togetherness with the world around us. As we slip into the structure of our social and cultural reality we absorb language and we are taught to construct our own identities by alienating the otherness felt within our inner selves. Late in life or due to traumatic experience, we cannot help but feel that something is missing within our innermost beings, that we contain a certain void, a lack born from our separation from the other. As soon as we come to realise that, we experience that this void is unfulfillable and so we begin to suffer and to desire.

Three little books - Libretti - tell a surrealistic conversation between a human and non human. The story begin in a world made of dreams, memories, forgotten realities and two voices that are trying to find a common language in order to communicate something to each other and ultimately to understand who they really are. Puzzuling multiple vocubularies and going through different exercises in different world the two realized that they are survaivors and that something incredible is about to happen. The collapse of the world. 
Phonemes, and graphisms are a great fascination that goes page by page, highlitging an acoustic rythm and  a strong visual connection between sounds and words.

The Cosmocomic World of Nonsense //
Publication 2021.

Nomination for the Rietveld Thesis prize 2021. 
Graduation Thesis.

Nomination for the Rietveld Thesis prize 2021.


"Silvia’s thesis ENTER/ESC, PLEASE is not just a thesis. It’s a book, but it is not just a book. It’s a project but it is not just a project. It is a book, a thesis, a project and part of a total project in which text, content, typography, design (footnotes, fonts, punctuation, page layout, quality ofpaper) play an equal role. The thesis itself as content and as an object (book) in turn plays a role in Silvia's complete oeuvre as it is currently unfolding. Every detail has been thought through, nothing is left to chance. The thesis can be divided into two parts: a so-called sense section and a non-sensical section. The subject of the thesis is text: text as LANGUAGE, as IMAGE, as OBJECT. Silvia states: This thesis has been written with the intent of being an interface between different worlds, different realities, different times. It is an attempt to be considered not only as an alphabetical linear text composed by words and concepts but also as a multilayered performative tool. Every layer of readings represents a world, a different reality. (…) It is a visual, phonetic and poetical experiment. An important topic in the thesis is the desire for the other and otherness. Based on Lacan (Man’sdesire is a desire for the Other) Silvia adds: ... contending that the" goal” of one's desire is to return to a primordial re-conflation between the Self and the Other. In this desire the engine 'spins' that encourages the discovery of new fantastic or even surrealistic worlds. Silvia's thesis is an all-over visual, intellectual and tactile experience (rollercoaster); moreover, very conscientiously and intelligently designed."

Thesis Tutor: Q.S. Serafijn

"Silvia’s thesis ENTER/ESC, PLEASE is not just a thesis. It’s a book, but it is not just a book. It’s a project but it is not just a project. It is a book, a thesis, a project and part of a total project in which text, content, typography, design (footnotes, fonts, punctuation, page layout, quality ofpaper) play an equal role. The thesis itself as content and as an object (book) in turn plays a role in Silvia's complete oeuvre as it is currently unfolding. Every detail has been thought through, nothing is left to chance. The thesis can be divided into two parts: a so-called sense section and a non-sensical section. The subject of the thesis is text: text as LANGUAGE, as IMAGE, as OBJECT. Silvia states: This thesis has been written with the intent of being an interface between different worlds, different realities, different times. It is an attempt to be considered not only as an alphabetical linear text composed by words and concepts but also as a multilayered performative tool. Every layer of readings represents a world, a different reality. (…) It is a visual, phonetic and poetical experiment. An important topic in the thesis is the desire for the other and otherness. Based on Lacan (Man’sdesire is a desire for the Other) Silvia adds: ... contending that the" goal” of one's desire is to return to a primordial re-conflation between the Self and the Other. In this desire the engine 'spins' that encourages the discovery of new fantastic or even surrealistic worlds. Silvia's thesis is an all-over visual, intellectual and tactile experience (rollercoaster); moreover, very conscientiously and intelligently designed."

Thesis Tutor: Q.S. Serafijn

©2021 All rights reserved - Silvia Gatti